ICA working remotely starting March 16th
We further inform that, until
further notification, the scheduled public tenders application dates still
Any restrictions resulting from the constraint on the normal functioning
of the Institute will be taken in account.
We request that all questions can
be addressed to us by email to your usual contacts or, considering the subject,
Public tenders - concrusos@ica-ip.pt
Processes - processos@ica-ip.pt
Film Registration - registodasobras@ica-ip.pt
Entity Registration - registo@ica-ip.pt
Auditorium reservations / screenings - auditorio@ica-ip.pt
Human Resources - drh@ica-ip.pt
Treasury - tesouraria.dg@ica-ip.pt
Procurement procedures / public contracting - logistica@ica-ip.pt
Cash Rebate (applications or
processes) - picportugal@ica-ip.pt
General information / other questions - info@ica-ip.pt