
2019 Catalogue and Facts & Figures

CINEMA AND AUDIOVISUAL FROM PORTUGAL 2019 – Information about portuguese cinema and audiovisual: film production, statistics and contacts. Also available at E-BOOK


2018 Catalogue and Facts & Figures

CINEMA AND AUDIOVISUAL FROM PORTUGAL 2018 – Information about portuguese cinema and audiovisual: film production, statistics and contacts. Also available on E-BOOK


2017 Catalogue and Facts & Figures

CINEMA AND AUDIOVISUAL FROM PORTUGAL 2017 – Information about portuguese cinema and audiovisual: film production, statistics and contacts. Also available on E-BOOK


2016 Brochure

The Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual (ICA) publishes the provisional data of 2015 regarding Cinema in Portugal.


2016 Catalogue and Facts & Figures

This publication intends to reflect the trends of the cinematographic and audiovisual market in Portugal. This edition welcomes the increasing visibility, both in the results in the theatres and in international recognition.


2015 Catalogue and Facts & Figures

The Cinema and Audiovisual Institute (ICA) publishes, once again, the publication Cinema de Portugal, for the year 2015, through which it provides information on the cinematographic market in Portugal.


2014 Catalogue and Facts & Figures

Portuguese cinematography has had, in recent years, increasing awareness, both in the results in the theatres and in the growing international recognition. In this publication you can find information about the sector.


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